Also according to KGI Securities analyst, Apple could equip its MacBook 12-inch 16 GB of RAM, while it is currently “capped” at 8 GB. According to him, the 12-inch MacBook computer would be the first to benefit from this processor that was introduced at CES 2017. This is in any case what explained the highly informed analyst, Ming-Chi Kuo. The details !Īpple will upgrade its MacBook and MacBook Pro in 2017 to equip them with the Kaby Lake chip, the seventh-generation Intel chipset. And according to analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, Apple’s headed laptops would be more muscular, with more RAM and a better chip. They’ll likely be more affordable in the future, so unless you need the speed right away, we recommend buying an iMac with a slower processor upfront and upgrading it down the road.The MacBook and MacBook Pro would qualify for an update in 2017. The iMac’s processor is also upgradable, but replacement CPUs aren’t cost effective right now-so we’re not offering them yet. We’re working on iMac SSD Upgrade Kits, and expect to have them in our store very soon. The opening procedure is essentially the same as the 2015 4K iMac-and we’ve adapted the existing repair instructions to guide you through the installation process for your 2017 iMac. That’s just $100 more than what Apple wants to “max out” your RAM at 16 GB on the 3.0 GHz model. With iFixit’s iMac Intel 21.5″ Mid 2017 Memory Maxxer RAM Upgrade Kit, you can quadruple your RAM from 8 GB to 32 GB for $300. If you want 32 GB, you have to buy the more expensive 3.4 GHz version-a $200 minimum increase, plus $600 for 32 GB RAM. Under Apple’s configurations, the 3.0 GHz 4K tops out at 16 GB of RAM. With the right tools and parts, you can absolutely boost your RAM, expand the storage, and save money in the process.
Of course, Apple says the iMac isn’t user-upgradable-but we’re not your average “user” and neither are you. Yesterday, our teardown revealed that the 21.5″ iMac 2017 has upgradable RAM-the first time Apple has included removable RAM in a 21.5″ iMac since 2013.